GIJTR’s Legacy and Continued Commitments
For Spanish
Securing meaningful inclusion and participation of survivors and affected communities in transitional justice processes to achieve acknowledgment, accountability and justice, reparations and memory laws.
Building the technical and administrative capacities of civil society to lead and engage in both formal and informal transitional justice processes and ensure sustained impact over the long-term that is responsive and innovative to the needs of communities.
Supporting the full engagement of a knowledgeable civil society rooted in local communities, to ensure that state processes are informed by victims and their representatives, and that CSOs are themselves equipped with the skills to hold states accountable.
Amplifying the experiences and expertise of communities in the Global South, GIJTR promotes the creation of a learning community comprising of diverse practitioners and scholars who inform the wider field based on their own learned and lived experiences.
GIJTR is grateful for the support from all of its partners and donors that have made these impacts possible. Most importantly, GIJTR is grateful to the victims, survivors and communities that have entrusted us with their stories, hopes and convictions.
GIJTR would like to extend its thanks all partners that have graciously shared their items to be displayed at this exhibition.