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Sharing Lessons with the Field

Relevant resources for GIJTR partners working to document the stories of communities affected by conflict.

GIJTR Ready-Made Advocacy Tools

Advocacy Hub

Resources for Creating Media


Make It New

Using Media to Advance Advocay


De Nouvelles Idees de

Utiliser les outils médiatiques pour promouvoir les activités de plaidoyer


Nuevos Recursos

El Uso de los Medios para Fomentar la Sensibilizacion


Guidelines for Journalists

These guidelines are meant to serve as a resource for continued learning and exchange with other journalists interested in advancing truth, justice and memory after conflict. The guidelines have been drawn directly from the reflections of the 10 participating journalists based on their involvement in the Media and Transitional Justice Academy.



Ces lignes directrices sont destinées à servir de ressource pour un apprentissage continu et un échange avec d'autres journalistes intéressés à faire progresser la vérité, la justice et la mémoire après un conflit. Les lignes directrices ont été tirées directement des réflexions des 10 journalistes participants sur la base de leur implication dans les médias et l'Académie de justice transitionnelle.


Media and Transitional Justice: Policy Brief

Using lessons learned from the work of the Global Initiative for Justice, Truth and Reconciliation, this policy brief gives an overview of the opportunities and challenges that arise around media coverage of transitional justice processes, and recommendations for activists who wish to engage with journalists and less traditional media figures around issues of memory, truth and justice.

Samples to Spark Ideas


Voices from the Communities

An Introductory Guide to Community Production of Podcasts


Voces de las Comunidades

Guía introductoria para la producción comunitaria de podcasts


Donner la parole aux silencieux

Un guide d’introduction à la production communautaire de podcasts

Available Only in Spanish

Historias en Común, A Podcast Series

"Historias en Común" is a podcast series in which individuals from communities across Colombia share their stories of survival in a country that, for over five decades, was afflicted by a long-standing armed struggle between the government, guerrillas, and paramilitaries, resulting in a broad spectrum of human rights violations. Produced in collaboration with La Colectiva Normal.

Available only in Spanish

50 Vidas Radio Program

In partnership with Javeriana Estéreo Bogotá (a radio station in Colombia), GIJTR aired the stories of 70 victims of the Colombian armed conflict from rural communities across the country. The radio program "brought the voice of survivors to urban audiences." By April 2023, "50 Vidas" had 306.843 unique listeners from 179 countries.


Memories in a Box: Across Borders

A short documentary film that explores the struggle of Afghan people to flee their home country during the 2021 war.

Guidelines and forms

Please use the following resources to facilitate your communications projects when working with victims and survivors of conflict:

Please use the following resources to facilitate your communications projects when working with victims and survivors of conflict:

Feel free to reach out to the Communications team at the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience if you have any question or inquiry.